Bobby Jindal: Nations like India, Vietnam desperate for US leadership

Washington, Jul 7: Thrashing the foreign policy of the Obama Administration, Republican presidential aspirant Bobby Jindal has sought steps by the US to take the mantel of global leadership, saying even non-aligned nations like India and Vietnam are desperate and hungry for American leadership. ”We would work not only with our allies, like Japan and South Korea and Taiwan. We’d work with non-aligned countries like India and Vietnam that are desperate and hungry for American leadership,” 44-year-old Jindal told the Fox News. Jindal, who last month announced his bid for the 2016 presidential elections, was responding to questions on addressing the challenges being posed by the Islamic State militant group in the Middle East. ”You got a president who…Won’t even name the enemy. You’ve got leaders in the Middle East that understand the threat of radical Islamic terrorism. We’ve got a president won’t even say those words!…He would rather criticize America. He would rather declare war on trans fats and junk food. He would rather declare war on the Crusades and medieval Christians…,” Jindal alleged.

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