Melbourne prison riot: Heavily armed police confront masked prisoners at maximum security facility in Ravenhall

Melbourne prison riot: Heavily armed police confront masked prisoners at maximum security facility in Ravenhall

Melbourne : Heavily armed police carrying shields have stormed Melbourne’s maximum security prison in a bid to quell rioting prisoners. Chaotic scenes erupted inside the Metropolitan Remand Centre in Ravenhall as masked inmates brandishing sticks, bashed in doors and windows, and lit fires. Police at the scene said about 300 prisoners were involved in the […]

Navy, army helicopters proving difficult to operate in strong winds during sea trials on HMAS Canberra

Navy, army helicopters proving difficult to operate in strong winds during sea trials on HMAS Canberra

Sydney :Australia’s new army and navy helicopters have been proving difficult to start and stop in strong winds. The Defence Department has acknowledged there were problems with the MRH90 Taipans — a multi-role helicopter — during recent flight trials. “Some issues were encountered starting and stopping rotors under certain environmental conditions,” the Department said in […]

Nauru refugees ‘treated like animals’, subjected to ‘bride shopping’ by guards, social workers say

Nauru refugees ‘treated like animals’, subjected to ‘bride shopping’ by guards, social workers say

Sydney : Desperate and dispirited asylum seekers at the Australian-run detention centre on Nauru formed “suicide pacts”, identified themselves as numbers instead of by name, and were treated like animals by some guards, according to accounts by two social workers who worked at the centre. “There was single adult female.. there was a group of teenage […]

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission giving Indigenous communities a voice

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission giving Indigenous communities a voice

Melbourne : A Royal Commission into nuclear power is working to remove cultural barriers preventing Indigenous communities from having their say in South Australia’s nuclear debate. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission is working closely with Indigenous groups and leaders to open lines of communication, encouraging participation in regional and remote communities.Regional engagement manager Jon Bok […]

Sydney, Melbourne suburbs with highest terrorist recruitment revealed by ASIO chief Duncan Lewis

Sydney, Melbourne suburbs with highest terrorist recruitment revealed by ASIO chief Duncan Lewis

Melbourne : Maps paraded in public by Australia’s domestic spy chief have revealed the most prevalent Sydney and Melbourne suburbs for terrorist recruiting. ASIO director-general Duncan Lewis gave Prime Minister Tony Abbott an update on the security situation in Iraq and Syria during a briefing inside the agency’s new headquarters in Canberra.Television and newspaper cameras […]