Dhadi Satpal Singh Garcha Releases Track On Punjab Smack Problem

Dhadi Satpal Singh Garcha Releases Track On Punjab Smack Problem

WORLDWIDE : It is a well known fact that Punjab (India) is severely impaired by a drug addiction epidemic. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the youth is addicted to a form of drug whether it is the widely alleged state sponsored Smack (Crack/Heroin) tobacco or alcohol. The problem doesn’t stop at the drug abuse, it is also having a grave impact on the families of the addicts.
Dhadi Satpal Singh Garcha and Dhadi Jatinder Singh Noorpuri today released a new music track highlighting these very topics. Topic often discussed but not resolved, a tale about those families that suffer silently due to the incompetency of the Punjab Government to tackle this epidemic.
Chaurasi Records, made s statement to Sikhs, at large, on the day of the track’s release, “A humble request in front of the sadh sangat to support all organisations worldwide that work tirelessly on rehabilitating addiction and creating awareness.”

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