**Glenwood Gurdwara Sahib Celebrates International Women’s Day**

**Glenwood Gurdwara Sahib Celebrates International Women’s Day**
In a vibrant and heartfelt celebration of International Women’s Day, the Glenwood Gurdwara Sahib, hosted by the Australian Sikh Association, paid homage to the invaluable contributions of women within the Sikh community. The event, marked by an atmosphere of gratitude and respect, recognized the tireless efforts and achievements of female volunteers who have dedicated themselves to serving the community.
The ceremony began with a traditional Sikh prayer, followed by speeches that highlighted the critical roles women play in nurturing and upholding the values of Sikhism. Representatives from the Australian Sikh Association expressed their deep appreciation for the women’s unyielding commitment and service, emphasizing the importance of gender equality and empowerment in fostering a thriving community.
As part of the celebration, several women were honoured with awards and tokens of appreciation for their exceptional volunteerism and leadership within the community. The event also featured speeches that paid tribute to the strength, resilience, and grace of women across all walks of life.
Attendees, including community leaders, members, and guests from diverse backgrounds, came together to enjoy the festivities and reflect on the significant contributions of women to the Sikh community and society at large. The Glenwood Gurdwara Sahib’s celebration of International Women’s Day serves as a shining example of the community’s commitment to recognizing and honouring the vital role of women in creating a more equitable and compassionate world.

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