Paris: Police uses tear gas on ‘hurling’ protesters

Paris: Police uses tear gas on ‘hurling’ protesters

London, Nov. 30 : Protesters in Paris who hurled projectiles at the police had tear gas used on them as a large human chain of several thousand was forged, urging world leaders to take action on global warming ahead of the Climate Summit.According to the Telegraph, a group, where some of them were masked, took part in chucking objects at the cops while chanting “State of emergency, police state, you will not deprive us of our right to demonstrate.”The Police arrested 280 people during the protest and took many away in a bus and police vans. At least 24 activists have been placed under house arrest across France, which is in a state of emergency, to avoid any violence or provocation as world leaders are assembling in Paris for the climate conference.Earlier, in Place de la Republique, activists placed hundreds of pairs of shoes in a symbolic protest after public demonstrations were banned by the government in the wake of the 13/11 carnage that killed 130 people.

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