As the US presidential race gains momentum, the focus intensifies on individuals of Indian-American descent.

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On January 21, as the US geared up for the 60th quadrennial presidential election in 2024, nearly 20 candidates entered the race, addressing concerns about the nation’s economy, abortion, war, democracy, and foreign policy.

Among them, four Indian-Americans stepped into the spotlight, marking a significant presence on the national political stage. Presently, on the Democratic side, President Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee, with Indian-American Kamala Devi Harris as his running mate. Opponents often highlight Biden’s age, stating that “a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris.”

From the Republican side, three candidates, including the lone Indian-American Nikki Haley, former South Carolina Governor, are vying for the party’s presidential nomination. Haley, a political heavyweight among Indian-origin candidates, challenged Donald Trump on February 14. Despite Trump leading

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