All prisons, courts, and youth justice centres across NSW now have access to virtual care, providing more timely assessment and treatment for eligible patients in correctional settings. Justice Health NSW Chief Executive Wendy Hoey PSM said all correctional settings in NSW now have the tools to implement virtual care programs, extending both routine and specialist care, to […]

Australian Furniture Association Joins with Global GreenTag to Drive Higher Levels of Sustainability in the Furnishings Sector

Australian Furniture Association Joins with Global GreenTag to Drive Higher Levels of Sustainability in the Furnishings Sector

Global GreenTag International has joined forces in a collaborative partnership with the Australian Furniture Association (AFA), the only recognised peak industry body for the furniture industry in Australia.  Joint initiatives planned for the Partnership aim to increase sustainability benchmarks of furnishing manufacturing practices, product design and output.  This flows from AFA research conducted over the […]

Minister right to sack Liverpool Council say staff

Minister right to sack Liverpool Council say staff

The Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig is right to sack Liverpool Council given the level of dysfunction, says the union representing staff at the south west sydney council. Minister Hoenig announced today a public inquiry into the council, the deferral of the scheduled September elections at Liverpool Council until after that inquiry reports, and […]

Green, grey, smart solutions transform informal settlements with improved water, sanitation and climate resilience

Green, grey, smart solutions transform informal settlements with improved water, sanitation and climate resilience

Monash University The successful completion of novel community upgrades in Makassar, Indonesia, signals a potential new approach for millions living in urban informal settlements. 16 July 2024, Makassar – Today, residents in Makassar came together with Monash University (Australia) and Hasanuddin University (Indonesia) to celebrate the completion of community upgrades that aim to improve living conditions and enhance resilience in […]

Storm surge: revealing NSW top 10 storm hot spots

Storm surge: revealing NSW top 10 storm hot spots

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) has released data showcasing the most active areas for storm-related incidents across the state in the first half of this year. From the period of January to June, the NSW SES responded to a total of 18,015 jobs, including 12,044 storm incidents and 3,796 flood incidents. The Wyong SES […]

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