At the start of the campaign, the first thing I said is that I love Australia.

At the start of the campaign, the first thing I said is that I love Australia.

It’s a love shared by Australia’s multicultural communities – so many of whom I have joined with
and celebrated new year and seasonal festivals, as well as holy days of dedication and renewal.

We can be so proud of Australia. We are the most successful multicultural, multifaith,
immigration nation on earth.

We have achieved this because we respect and we value our diversity – and we all love this
country equally and with a patriot’s love.

I know Australia’s multicultural communities have carried a heartfelt burden in recent years,
particularly with closed borders due to COVID.

I want to thank you for what you did to keep Australians safe.

We can take comfort in what we achieved together. On almost every measure – growth, jobs,
debt levels, fatality rates or vaccine rates – Australia’s recovery is leading the advanced world.

However, we can take nothing for granted in this time of consequence.

This election is a choice.

We all know that strong communities depend on a strong economy. At this election, only the
Liberal Party has a plan for a stronger economy and a stronger future.

Nationally, we have set ourselves a target of creating 1.3 million new jobs over the next five
years including 450,000 new jobs in regional Australia.

Already 1.9 million new jobs have been created under this government.
Our plan lowers tax for Australians and small businesses, builds productivity enhancing
infrastructure, invests in the skills of Australians with record funding for apprenticeships and
trainees, and expands export opportunities for Australian businesses.

An integral part of our plan for a strong economy is affordable, reliable and clean energy.
Energy that will power Australian businesses in the years ahead, while reducing emissions to
achieve net zero by 2050, and reducing household electricity bills.

It is also a plan that will help Australians save for a home deposit by allowing first homebuyers
to invest a responsible portion of their own superannuation savings into their first home.

Our plan also protects Australians of religious faith. The reason why we are such a successful
multicultural nation is because we are a nation of freedoms and protections. That is why in the
next Parliament we will again introduce a bill to protect Australians from religious

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